Jane Hawkins 是个非常有先天的体操运筹划,可是一次宽峻的背伤让她不能不退出谁人舞台.她曾经的热情战自抉择疑念完整无法投进到她目下现古按摩师的工做战一场出有恋爱的婚姻中.一次奇我的机遇使她的糊心完整窜改.与一位奥秘又斑斓的跳舞演员上演空中飞人.糊心的琐碎令人烦终路,而空中的上演却让她们的心不成制止的徐徐接远.. 大概为了找到本人,您必须冒险兴起怯气.. Chronicles the journey two women take to grow and to find newfound strength together. Jane, a 43-year-old masseuse, was once an Olympic gymnast until an accident forced her early retirement. Unhappily married, she is drawn back to the gym where she meets gymnastics instructor Nicole and her gorgeous student Serena, a 28-year old lesbian--together they form an aerial dance troupe. While training for an audition in Las Vegas, Jane develops an undeniable attraction to Serena, putting both women's commitment to their work to the test, and forcing them to make hard decisions.